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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> Galleries >> mammals > Reindeer Rangifer tarandus severni jelen-0031-11.jpg
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Reindeer Rangifer tarandus severni jelen-0031-11.jpg

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Rick Bricker13-May-2011 17:59
Excellent catch Milan!Wonderful detail!V
shlomog30-Mar-2011 09:09
Wonderful capture .v.
Aivar Mikko21-Mar-2011 16:19
Nice colors and background!
pierreratte19-Jul-2010 00:08
Super cette pose Milan, Bravo V
Guest 19-Jan-2010 14:02
Wonderful capture of this beautiful animal! V
Jay Levin24-Nov-2009 21:56
Great setting and pose on this beautiful animal. Vote
Janet Forjan-Freedman24-Nov-2009 19:21
Fantastic capture in a beautiful environment!
Pierre24-Nov-2009 19:17
Superbe pose! V
Gerard Koehl24-Nov-2009 19:05
Wow... magnifique prise. V
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