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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> Galleries >> mammals > Black rat Rattus rattus èrna podgana_MG_4914-11.jpg
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Black rat Rattus rattus èrna podgana_MG_4914-11.jpg

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Rick Bricker13-May-2011 18:00
You nailed this one! V
pierreratte19-Jul-2010 00:09
belle définition, de beaux détails Bien réussi Milan
cits_4_pets15-Sep-2009 02:49
Pretty coat, I have Hooded Rats for pets (as well as a horse).
marko gregoric10-Sep-2009 22:01
Great catch Milan. Very nice image. V.
Guest 10-Sep-2009 13:21
great details and sharp shot well done milan .v
Guest 10-Sep-2009 05:08
Fantastic portrait. Along with fabulous light, the details are amazing, close look and dof. v
Marcia Colelli10-Sep-2009 01:35
Nice detail V
larose forest photos09-Sep-2009 21:52
Very nice! I like rats a lot, they are intelligent animals and very interesting. This one is a beauty. V
patou09-Sep-2009 21:48
Superbe prise et tres beau detail ( v )
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