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Mike Howells | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> December 2002 - Manhattan, New York tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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December 2002 - Manhattan, New York

Chelle and I spent 3 days and 4 nights in Manhattan, New York before traveling to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for my cousin's wedding. Here are some pictures of our trip.
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A plaque describing the restoring of WTC transportation.
A plaque describing the restoring of WTC transportation.
A view of a memorial placed on the fence of St. Paul's Chapel across the street from Ground Zero.
A view of a memorial placed on the fence of St. Paul's Chapel across the street from Ground Zero.
This was perhaps the most emotional part of Ground Zero. Families placed pictures of the victims of September 11 on the fence.
This was perhaps the most emotional part of Ground Zero. Families placed pictures of the victims of September 11 on the fence.
Numerous memories from far away cities as Los Angeles were put on the fence in tribute to the victims.
Numerous memories from far away cities as Los Angeles were put on the fence in tribute to the victims.
A large banner on the fence of St. Paul's Chapel with the names of the victims.
A large banner on the fence of St. Paul's Chapel with the names of the victims.
The Manhattan skyline is noticeably naked without the World Trade Center buildings.
The Manhattan skyline is noticeably naked without the World Trade Center buildings.
A view of the Empire State Building, which is now the tallest building in New York (
A view of the Empire State Building, which is now the tallest building in New York (
Inside view of the Empire State Building as we wait to go through security. This building is incredibly impressive.
Inside view of the Empire State Building as we wait to go through security. This building is incredibly impressive.
A view of New York from the Empire State Building.
A view of New York from the Empire State Building.
A view of New York from the Empire State Building.
A view of New York from the Empire State Building.
A view of New York to the north from the Empire State Building. Central Park is in the middle just behind the GE building.
A view of New York to the north from the Empire State Building. Central Park is in the middle just behind the GE building.
A night view of Radio City Music Hall (
A night view of Radio City Music Hall (
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