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Jan / 18/ 10 Meta

warm inside

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Don Mottershead10-Feb-2010 06:08
This is such a puzzling image to me. I like it very much, but it is so unique that it undermines my own little theories on what appeals to me in a photograph. I have no idea why this photo appeals to me, but indeed it does. ~V~
Marcia Rules10-Feb-2010 00:28
that's so sophisticated...I hope most can appreciate your cutting-edge eye :)..I do! V!
an nguyen07-Feb-2010 11:37
Certainly warm to the heart.
Humble but magnificent as presenting itself.
John07-Feb-2010 10:29
Beautiful light on that cigar, appearing from the dark, into the warmth of inside. ~V~
Guest 07-Feb-2010 07:56
what a view !!!
nice one.v
Sam_C07-Feb-2010 05:10
Excellent work. V
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