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May / 05 / 09 Meta


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Sam_C07-Feb-2010 05:11
Superb!! V
Raymond Ma24-Jan-2010 05:36
Shy but yearning for the light. Lovely mood! V
an nguyen23-Jan-2010 22:47
Great...together and still shy.
Love the shadow..
Wim Ensie23-Jan-2010 19:02
Great and I can smell them. Original way of shooting the shy flowers
John23-Jan-2010 16:22
That is why they are with so many. In a group you don't stand out so less chance someone will notice and therefore no need to be shy. ::) A true you image. ~V~
Patricia Kay23-Jan-2010 13:02
Gorgeous image Meta....beautiful and arty...BV
FrankB23-Jan-2010 12:09
art...a wallhanger...V
Marcia Rules23-Jan-2010 01:57
they do, indeed, appear shy. really introspective work :) voted!
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