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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > Almost A Sunrise 20061228
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Almost A Sunrise 20061228

Horace Caldwell Pier

By my own definition, one has to actually see the sun for it to be sunrise,
otherwise it's merely dawn or daybreak. So yet again, a sunrise is
thwarted by incoming clouds just as the sun was due to appear,
but still beautiful in its own way.

Photographed from Port Aransas on Mustang Island, Texas USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
0.60s f/8.0 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan the Man18-Apr-2011 20:52
GREAT light!!! Beautiful shot!! V
Guest 03-Sep-2007 13:27
That's a beauty! Awesome composition.
Raf11-Jun-2007 17:06
What a beautiful composition and stunning light and colours.
Yiannis Pavlis12-Jan-2007 14:00
This is one incredible image, it has magnificent depth to it and those colours are astounding!! Bravo!!
BleuEvanescence28-Dec-2006 16:26
Always amazing
What we miss while we sleep...
Thierry Lucas28-Dec-2006 14:28
Very nice shot
Grobljar Vanjo28-Dec-2006 13:51
What a light
Hapy new year 2007