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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Location >> Canada Galleries >> Ontario >> Canadian Shield Gallery > Duck Near Canoe 20050914
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Duck Near Canoe 20050914

Photographed near Kenora, Ontario Canada.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/125s f/8.0 at 59.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
mich 16-Sep-2005 11:48
It's rather convenient that this canoe happens to have the same green as the lillies and greenery. I'm drawn to this one.
Steven Jusczyk15-Sep-2005 06:32
Yes, wonderful composition.
Guest 15-Sep-2005 01:26
Great capture and composition!
Jeffery Stahlman15-Sep-2005 01:11
terrific capture
Al Chesworth14-Sep-2005 19:37
Lovely image.
Ed Knepley14-Sep-2005 18:44
Great capture. I'm trying to imagine it without the duck - doesn't work.
Guest 14-Sep-2005 16:00
Yes I agree, very nice comp....
J. Scott Coile14-Sep-2005 15:38
Lovely composition! Great capture!
Leo Charette14-Sep-2005 15:17
Very nice composition. Clever of you to get that duck to play her part well.
Focus14-Sep-2005 15:12
Outstanding......well done!