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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Nightscapes Gallery > Lower Reach Basin At Night 20120404
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04-Apr-2012 Gordon L Wolford

Lower Reach Basin At Night 20120404

Along the Rideau Canal Waterway

Photographed at Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
McGarva06-Apr-2012 22:12
Stunning exposure and balance! :)
René Gysi05-Apr-2012 08:54
Simply wonderful! V
Guest 04-Apr-2012 15:54
Superb! Bravo. v
Guest 04-Apr-2012 14:10
This is just stunning! Big big vote.
Guest 04-Apr-2012 13:49
Lovely mirror effect. Best J
Guest 04-Apr-2012 13:41
I love the colors. Spectacular image! V.
Antonis Sarantos04-Apr-2012 13:37