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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Night Cloud & Fog 22207
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17-Mar-2012 Gordon L Wolford

Night Cloud & Fog 22207

Along the Rideau Canal Waterway

Photographed near Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
David Sands03-Apr-2012 12:52
your talented at chasing and then catching this thing we call light- well done.
CJ Morgan03-Apr-2012 06:13
Creative. A nice change from short exposures. Nicely done.
Guest 03-Apr-2012 05:37
A super image.
Guest 03-Apr-2012 03:18
Great photograph Gordon. Did you use multiple exposures and stack them or was it calm enough that the grass in the foreground was motionless? That is the hard part in Texas is that the wind ALWAYS blows and so time lapse is difficult because the foreground invariably moves around. Great shot however you did it.
Shayne03-Apr-2012 03:15
Super image Gordon
Guest 03-Apr-2012 02:11
Incredible light and reflections! V.
David Jolley03-Apr-2012 01:32