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Xinjiang, 2010. (Gallery under construction)


This gallery documents my trip to the westermost province of China - Xinjiang. Places visited include Urumqui, Kashgar, Tashkurgan and the Karakoram Highway. The area borders Tajikistan, Afganistan, Pakistan and India. In the city of Kashgar, the majority ethnic group is Uyghur, up into the mountains there are Kirgiz and Tajik villages and settlements, as well as various nomadic groups. Tashkuragan is majority Tajik.

The Xinjiang gallery will be organized into individual sub-galleries, arranged more or less chronologically, each of which explores a particular phase of the journey, a particular place or lifestyle. Comments are welcome

The gallery is under construction. If you are interested, please come back in a week or more, after I've had time to process and upload the pictures. For now, some random shots from Kashgar.

:: Urumqui ::
Demolition of Old Kashgar
:: Demolition of Old Kashgar ::
Kashgar Street Life
:: Kashgar Street Life ::
Kashgar Old Town
:: Kashgar Old Town ::
Idkha Mosque, Kashgar
:: Idkha Mosque, Kashgar ::
Kashgar New Town
:: Kashgar New Town ::
Pottery on the edge of a cliff
:: Pottery on the edge of a cliff ::
On the way to Tashkurgan
:: On the way to Tashkurgan ::
Karakoram Highway (Up)
:: Karakoram Highway (Up) ::
Yellow Lake and Lake Karakol (with lunch in a yurt thrown in)
:: Yellow Lake and Lake Karakol (with lunch in a yurt thrown in) ::
Before Tashkurgan
:: Before Tashkurgan ::
Tashkurgan, Xinjiang, China
:: Tashkurgan, Xinjiang, China ::
Sights on the Karakoram Highway
:: Sights on the Karakoram Highway ::
Karakoram Highway (down)
:: Karakoram Highway (down) ::
Kashgar Cattle Market
:: Kashgar Cattle Market ::
Slide Show
:: Slide Show ::
Behind the scenes
:: Behind the scenes ::