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Marni J. Bradford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Our Backyard Transformation tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Our Backyard Transformation

We have been living in our house for a year now, and we made it a priority to transform the backyard from dirt to useable this year. Having an active 3 year old we really wanted a place for her to play as well as for us to use and enjoy. We started in the middle of May by getting the topsoil spread out and we ended today (July 10th) by putting in the privacy slats on our chain link fence. In between that time, we put in a patio and laid sod. It's been a wonderful process and I look forward to using our space!
Tamping for the Patio
Tamping for the Patio
View from the Deck
View from the Deck
Patio is Almost Done
Patio is Almost Done
Levelling the Topsoil
Levelling the Topsoil
Sod Sod Sod!!!
Sod Sod Sod!!!
Sod is Done
Sod is Done
First Cut after 3 weeks of Rain
First Cut after 3 weeks of Rain
Playing on the Grass
Playing on the Grass
Fence Posts are In
Fence Posts are In
Chainlink Fence is Up
Chainlink Fence is Up
Privacy Slats Done
Privacy Slats Done
View from the Deck
View from the Deck