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marie-jose wolff | all galleries >> Galleries >> Primavera en Sicilia > Roman Villa of Casale.
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28-APR-2008 marie-josée wolff

Roman Villa of Casale.

The existence of the villa was almost entirely forgotten (some of the tallest parts have always been above ground) and the area used for cultivation. Pieces of mosaics and some columns were found early in the 19th century, and some excavations were carried out later in that century, but the first serious excavations were performed by Paolo Orsi in 1929, and later by Giuseppe Cultrera in 1935-39. The latest major excavations were in the period 1950-60 by Gino Vinicio Gentile after which the current cover was build. A few very localised excavations have been performed in the 1970s by Andrea Carandini.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30
1/125s f/6.3 at 17.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
laine8215-May-2008 18:28
Breathtaking history...superb shot.
Lise Trempe15-May-2008 13:23
Une partie de l'histoire enfouie sous terre, que de richesses oubliées.
carabias15-May-2008 13:10
Bella captura. V
Yvonne15-May-2008 07:42
Wonderful shot, love to hear the history too! v
Ali Majdfar15-May-2008 07:41
Fabulous capture, excellent. ~V
Paco López15-May-2008 06:10
Bellísimo lugar y preciosa foto!! V!
Fong Lam15-May-2008 05:50
Excellent historical find and composition.
Superb lighting and clarity.
XiaoBernard9915-May-2008 05:28
je suis tjs en arret pour les travaux de fouille.Merci du comment et de la photo.MJ(:-)
12315-May-2008 04:59
Awesome. V
Ceya15-May-2008 04:37
Wonderful capture, rich textures and excellent composition and light. Interesting history, too. V!
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-May-2008 22:20
An interesting image, full of details. Great lighting.
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