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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Little silly sunset song > Scenic sunset of a winter day....
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09-FEB-2012 Marisa

Scenic sunset of a winter day....

Nyon - Vaud (Switzerland)

This photo is part of my Sunset gallery.

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Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ150
1/640s f/4.0 at 4.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
John Barreiro04-Feb-2019 17:01
Fine image. V
Wintermeer13-Sep-2018 12:19
Great- the light is pure magic! ~V~
Graeme13-Sep-2018 09:46
Wonderful mood and colours in this amazing scene.V
Range View 20-Jun-2012 21:21
Taken in the beautiful golden hour. This is a stunning sunset scene! V
Dan Greenberg15-Feb-2012 16:10
Both of these are absolutely stunning! Such high impact color and wonderful composition leaves me totally in awe! ~VVV~
Dwight Rankine10-Feb-2012 14:58
We are promised snow this weekend and there is no sun for a sunset, so we will have to take yours. Beautiful shot Marisa. v
Stephanie10-Feb-2012 14:56
Stunning image Marisa!! My compliments! :)
Jim Coffman10-Feb-2012 13:38
Marisa, this is soooooo beautiful! I love your work!!
rousselziak10-Feb-2012 12:19
Superbe, beau contraste entre ce si beau soleil et la glace ! -V-
Michal Leszczynski10-Feb-2012 09:56
Very nicelly captured here these silhouettes. Mood light gives a beautiful atmosphere here. Beautiful light and color tones of sky. Wonderful and moody image, beautifully composed. V.
lou_rozensteins10-Feb-2012 09:36
Excellent work with the interesting and complex tree silhouette and beautiful colour!
Robbie D7010-Feb-2012 09:31
Beautiful scene with a clever composition and angle.
The reflected glow and ice lead in are attractive.
Even the warm framing add to the scene.
Great work.