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Douglas Houck | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Roadside Geology tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Roadside Geology

Images of and from various miscellaneous roadside geological formations
Wheat Fields, OR
Wheat Fields, OR
Memaloose Island, Columbia River
Memaloose Island, Columbia River
Black Dragon Mountain, UT
Black Dragon Mountain, UT
Sheep Creek Bay, UT
Sheep Creek Bay, UT
Coral Pink Sand Dunes, UT
Coral Pink Sand Dunes, UT
Bear Lake, UT
Bear Lake, UT
US Naval Oil Shale Reserve, CO
US Naval Oil Shale Reserve, CO
Independence Pass, CO
Independence Pass, CO
Colorado Rockies from Independence Pass
Colorado Rockies from Independence Pass
Skagit River bottomland
Skagit River bottomland
Skagit River bottomland
Skagit River bottomland
Palouse country
:: Palouse country ::
:: cropduster ::
Lunar Reflection
Lunar Reflection
Road Trip
:: Road Trip ::
Roadtrip II, (Northern California coast, Hiway 1)
:: Roadtrip II, (Northern California coast, Hiway 1) ::
Road Trip III (Blue Ridge Parkway, NC)
:: Road Trip III (Blue Ridge Parkway, NC) ::
2016 Road Trip, Columbia River Gorge
:: 2016 Road Trip, Columbia River Gorge ::