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Mairéad | all galleries >> Challenges for the Photo A Day Forum >> PAD Challenges 2009 >> transportation > 2
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A container ship sails along Carlingford Lough
on its way to the port at Warrenpoint, Co Down

Nikon D40x
1/100s f/16.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ray :)03-Aug-2009 19:51
Living where I do, I rarely see container ships, but the array of goods on them must be awe inspiring!
Doug Cruden03-Aug-2009 13:13
Lovely contrast between the soft shapes of the lovely green hillside and the sharp angles of the container ship...great shot Mairead
Maaike Huizer03-Aug-2009 06:15
Great catch and what a beautiful scenery.
Cindi Smith03-Aug-2009 02:57
I love the name!!! Great find and shot!
Carl and Racine Erland03-Aug-2009 00:42
Nice shot...and very needed form of transportation!
Jola Dziubinska02-Aug-2009 23:17
Excellent perspective and blue tonality.
Walter Otto Koenig02-Aug-2009 20:52
Nice capture and great scenery.
Linda Willets02-Aug-2009 20:49
Nice capture
laine02-Aug-2009 19:49
Hope he keeps to the left :))
Laryl02-Aug-2009 19:42
there's a slow way to travel!
Johnny JAG02-Aug-2009 18:46
I thought it was a SEAT truck, now I get it!
Azlin Ahmad02-Aug-2009 16:36
Very nice!
Carol Rollins02-Aug-2009 15:29
Good capture Mairead!
wernere0102-Aug-2009 15:14
Like the bright colours. Well seen.
Guest 02-Aug-2009 14:06
Wow, a seatruck!
Very well seen.
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