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Mairéad | all galleries >> Challenges for the Photo A Day Forum >> PAD Challenges 2009 >> transportation > 1
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Waiting for the wedding shoot
to finish

Nikon D40x
1/800s f/5.0 at 70.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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lisamidi25-Aug-2009 21:21
Modern and old, road and water... nice contrasts in this shot. Which one has been chosen by the bride?
Dave Perez10-Aug-2009 23:31
Classy find. Life is really good for some folks.
Timothy Guenther05-Aug-2009 12:57
yes good contrasts
Carl and Racine Erland03-Aug-2009 00:43
Beautiful car and nice contrast against the boat...very well composed.
Jeff Lobaugh02-Aug-2009 23:26
Two modes of transportation in one shot. Well done.
Jola Dziubinska02-Aug-2009 23:16
Shining car and not shining boat side by side, hmmmm.... what to choose ....
laine02-Aug-2009 19:18
I like that you managed 2 types of transportation.
Guest 02-Aug-2009 18:54
luxery ride.
Linda Willets02-Aug-2009 02:56
Nice one.
Laryl01-Aug-2009 23:51
great entry.. boat and car make a nice contrast
Maaike Huizer01-Aug-2009 22:24
Excellent, man and his car so well taken.
Cindi Smith01-Aug-2009 21:32
I love it! No one puts ribbon on the car like this here....may suggest it then again, most ride off in their own cars....wonderful find and captaure!
Walter Otto Koenig01-Aug-2009 21:09
Nice double shot, triple if you count the drivers legs.
wernere0101-Aug-2009 20:26
I prefer the boat (LOL). Fine portrait.
Bernard Davis01-Aug-2009 19:36
Nice portrait.
Doug Cruden01-Aug-2009 18:21
Cool two-fer Mairead...excellent start!
Hernan E. Enriquez01-Aug-2009 15:11
Very nice, a double!
Guest 01-Aug-2009 14:00
O Maired, this one is great!
Keith O'Brien01-Aug-2009 11:47
Nice candid.
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