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Dry Fit

For this particular valve I unfortunately had very little clearance and needed to turn 90 degrees. In this photo I am measuring my assembled height ahead of time.

One nice feature of the bronze Groco ball valves is the handle can be used in two different orientations for either a right or left close or open. By simply moving the handle stop set screw, to the other hole, you can position the handle to open or close on the opposite side.

Nikon D70s
1/60s f/4.5 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
don 28-Aug-2008 23:01
I have the same question...I can not find a 90 degree fitting or a reducer 90 even that has NPS threads...where did you find them?...thank you don
bob 28-May-2008 12:09
was the right angle bend a tapered thread? is that standard? Incredible job on your article, the crimping as well. Now I know why I could never get the bad crimpers to work.
(redoing a Newporter 40)