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Time Being

Me My Hat and The Bandit.jpg

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Lauren 15-Sep-2009 11:12
Hey, im doing my year 10 course work on you, cause i like your work, ect.
but i cant find any facts about you :/
could you help me ?

i need to know;
your full name
where you live (just the state)
what inspires you with your photography

thats it :D

hope you can help, im realy stuck :(

thank you anyway, Lauren :D x
Marijka21-Dec-2006 01:28
really cool presentation.... creativity must be in the water :)
Barri Olson17-Apr-2006 01:19
Hi Marisa...Thank you and oh yes cats can have attitude. I saw a cat once attack a dog. The dog was on a chain and the cat knew just how far the dog could go. So the cat keeps walking just out of the reach of the big dog...for 1/2 an hour while the dog goes crazy on a hot day. Then when the dog is completely worn out, in goes the cat. The dog is too tired to put up a good fight, so his owner comes running out with a bucket of water...which the cat ignores...finally the garden hose ends the fight. The dog didn't do very well, but no real damage done...except to my perceptions of the relative intelligence of cats and dogs :-))
Guest 19-Mar-2006 12:17
Love this triple portrait, it's cool!
But, hey! cat also have attitude! Our cat, Gato Manchi, always kick the... of the neighbord dog, run to the front door and stay in guard if he listen to some strange noise, and.. oops.. maybe we have a dog and we didn't notice before :o))
Barri Olson11-Oct-2005 06:28
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography18-Sep-2005 10:54
interesing composition.
Barri Olson28-Apr-2005 02:46
Hi Tina
Any cat that purrs like Ella's gotta be cool. And when I think about it, cats do kinda take care of themselves. When I was in my teens, had a Siamese cat( a big Tom) once...that cat had attitude. Mess with that cat and....well once I had to lock myself the bathroom. When cats get mad they are mad...they don't fool around. You can play with 'em but past a certain point and...
Guest 27-Apr-2005 16:50
Matias Asun is sadly misguided in his remarks about cats ;-)
Wait, nah, Cats do suck, but Dogs are too needy... hmmm...
I love my old cat. She sleeps like a GENIUS! She eats like an ARTIST!
She purrrrs like Ella Fitzgerald wearing a muzzle ;-) she rocks a smoove groove, she does.
Keep it real over here, bro.
Barri Olson16-Apr-2005 03:58
Bulletin! Bulletin! The Governor is going to veto the "Shoot the Cats" bill. Your cat is safe for now...all the farm cats...and pet cats...and lost cats, need not fear the 30-06's and 44 Magnums. Clints Eastwood wannabees won't stand above your cat and say "make my day punk cat".
Barri Olson14-Apr-2005 03:36
Yeah Matias he was a kick ass dog too. When he played he'd show you every tooth, roll back his lip, had teeth like a wolf. But he never bit me only once, and I bit him back and he never did that again...well at least not too hard.
Barri Olson14-Apr-2005 03:30
Hahaa...Matias. Yeah I like dogs, but 'some' cats are cool. In my state I think they are going to let the crazies hunt feral cats. They think the cats kill big game like moose and elephants I guess. I imagine some little kids' pet cat will be shot. They passed a law where you could hunt crows and mourning doves here...they must seem threatning to some people. I'm not against hunting, but damn you should eat what you kill. I can't see people eating cats, doves, crows (yucko)....unless the people are rabid or starving to death. I think people have gone crazy here in the US of A. after all I've said I DO need a few beers.
Guest 04-Apr-2005 20:15
Cats don´t have attitude. Dogs have. Simple as that. Dogs rule. Cats sucks. This dog kick ass. Just look at the guy´s face! Awesome composition. Should be me, my mustache and my kick ass dog Barri.
Barri Olson12-Mar-2005 01:09
Yeah all we need are a few beers
Guest 11-Mar-2005 03:02
aw man
this honestly reminds me of a Bukowski short story
Barri Olson13-Feb-2005 02:59
I think cats dream of only eating and being warm...well maybe catnip. Dogs I think dream of running, mine are always kicking their legs when they sleep...and twitching, maybe they dream of fleas too.
Guest 12-Feb-2005 22:24
Thank Goodness he was alive at the time...snuff stuff creeps me out.
Sounds like and excellent poochie!!!!! Fierce! Good dog protecting you from
all the other beasts runnin' wild in the world, yeah Good Dog!
:-) well I have an old cat right now and she's not protecting anybody from anything...
eats,, dreams of eating ...yeah...hmmmm. Cute though.
Barri Olson10-Jan-2005 00:42
Thanks Colors
LOL, no my doggie was very much alive then, and very angry in a non violent sort of way, but he is gone now. He always looked like that, LOL. and there is me in my hat. He was a cool dog, he took on a 1/2 wolf/husky (2wice his size) who was trying to kill our other dog...and sent him running. He had attitude...but yeah he did have that look...and I got him at an odd angle well as you think we looked alike?..LOL.
Guest 10-Jan-2005 00:13
He is passed on! Oh my God this is wild...
Guest 10-Jan-2005 00:12
Oh good this is no longer password protected, I have wanted to see this image for awhile now, YIPPIE!
This is freaky cool! I could tell from the thumbnail it would be freaky and I could tell it would be cool
but it is always great to have PROOF! This diptych seriously rocks the quirky zone!
It's got that David Lynch scent...smells good... VERY creepy too, the dog seems a bit
layed out splayed out and dead ...yeah, he looks passed-on, Hmmm... ODDity!