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11-MAR-2018 LynnH

March 11th

Sugar Land Texas

I took this picture from the car while waiting for a stop light.
Crepe Myrtles and Asian Jasmine in the esplanade looked interesting.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II
1/125s f/5.6 at 10.4mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield18-Mar-2018 02:27
Very interesting and well captured. V
Buz Kiefer13-Mar-2018 21:56
Beautiful trunks of these old crepe myrtles. They look very well cared for. Vote.
Walter Otto Koenig13-Mar-2018 19:53
Really like the tones and clarity. Nice result from your car. "V"
globalgadabout13-Mar-2018 16:48
B&W is an ideal choice for such notable forms.. fine work for a quick grab..
Frank Brault13-Mar-2018 15:15
Gorgeous tones and a wonderful mood. V
Helen Betts13-Mar-2018 13:51
I quite like the composition, and excellent for a sort of drive-by capture! You had a perfect POV from the car. V.