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12-MAR-2018 LynnH

March 12th

Sugar Land Texas

Pink Azaleas
Not mine. These Azalea bushes were outside of a restaurant.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II
1/640s f/5.0 at 10.4mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chris14-Mar-2018 19:32
Glorious colour and so early, maybe in a sheltered situation?
globalgadabout14-Mar-2018 17:46
delightful and uplifting..
Walter Otto Koenig14-Mar-2018 16:24
A beautiful explosion of color. "V"
Jackdad14-Mar-2018 15:36
Lovely to see some vibrant colour!
Nick Paoni14-Mar-2018 13:38
So pretty.
Helen Betts14-Mar-2018 13:13
Such a beautiful profusion of azaleas! We're a long way from there. V.