Ok see you all may not have noticed but I can be quite opinionated.
I tend to not like people, well just not people in my way. I don't like crowded spaces or people that are rude in crowded spaces. Example: Say you are in Wal-Mart or a crowded grocery store and someone leaves their buggy in the isle sideways to where no one can pass. Then they walk away from their buggy that is blocking the isle to get something they forgot or something they just want to stare at on the shelf unsure if they really want it or not.
Well Lord Lundy does not tolerate that kind of rude behavior. Normally I will say excuse me or get their attention in some polite way. If I am ignored or they don't respond fast enough Lord Lundy just rams his buggy into theirs so that he may pass.
See I have been trying to post a holiday theme PAD all this month but this past week I have been out in land of the commoners (gerneral public, shopping) and I am just about fed up with rude people milling about not sure where they are going and not caring whos way they are in to "not" get there.
So the real me is back. Lord Lundy. Hater of all things that involve people.
Ok now about the hat. See I tell these buggy raming stories at work and they call me "The Sherrif". The sherrif of asshole county. So they got this crown for me so that all may know to step aside when Lord Lundy comes down the shopping isle.
I can't wait to wear it out shopping today.