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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> PAD 2005 MY FAVORITES! > Roaring Fork Motor Trail
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Roaring Fork Motor Trail

Is a short drive on a one way road just seconds from downtown Gatlinburg. Amazing vistas and lots of trails, including parking for Mt. Leconte Lodge (accessable by hiking trail, horse or llama).

This is a true hiden secret of the Smoky Mountains that most visitors to the national park never even think of going on.

Tons of picnic and photographic opportunities on this short but highly scenic road.

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kimberly 25-Jun-2006 15:50
Guest 21-Oct-2005 20:43
Very nicely done.
Big Mike21-Oct-2005 18:24
Really Great... I'm jealous! Thanks for sharing.
Guest 18-Oct-2005 04:01
What an inviting place! Nice job with the capture, and the long exposure.
Guest 17-Oct-2005 21:11
Very good
Beverly Wickersham17-Oct-2005 14:05
Very nice job. A great place for photography, and you delivered.
Jola Dziubinska17-Oct-2005 11:43
Excellent composition and colors, great photo.
Buz Kiefer17-Oct-2005 10:56
Beautiful photograph James. You're right about that road; it's loaded with photo opportunities at every turn. I visit there often.
Guest 17-Oct-2005 07:13
wonderful exposure! looks tricky.
Guest 17-Oct-2005 05:08
High Quality stuff, and with the kit lens too.
elpasso17-Oct-2005 04:23
absolutely beautiful! getting a saddle for the llama
Guest 17-Oct-2005 04:21
Very nice shot...great color green and the yellow leaves are a great contrast. Well done!
Bryan Murahashi17-Oct-2005 04:15
Beautiful shot of this creek scenery.
Mindy McNaugher17-Oct-2005 03:47
Stunning shot! Love your capture of the water!
Focus17-Oct-2005 03:19
Excellent shot........
Guest 17-Oct-2005 03:05
Very nice.
Guest 17-Oct-2005 02:48
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