Me and Abby were walking around outside Neyland Stadium on the UT (Knoxville) campus during the UT vs. UGA game (Big SEC matchup of the week, both teams ranked in the top 10). UT lost the match up 27 - 14.
So I am setting up to take the image of the port-a-john (bathroom), seen here in the background, that someone had spray painted "Fulmer's House" when the drunk girl arrived.
She asked me what I was shooting for, and I told her for myself. So she said oh, want a picture of my new boobs? I said nothing, Abby was four steps away. So she reaches in to pull them out anyway. Then Abby sees that I am pointing the camera at these two and comes over to "mark her territory". But I wasn't actually pointing at them, they just stepped in front of the port-a-john. Anywho, the sober friend was sorry for her drunken friends antics. So her drunken friend came over to say she was sorry with a goodbye hug and kiss. Abby, in football terms, had to run a screen on the pass. HAHA!
Here is the image that I was setting up to be my PAD.
More images of the drunk girl here.