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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> October 2005 > Old TV
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Old TV

I have been playing with my trial copy of Photoshop CS2 as you can see this is not a "normal" desirable SP.

There is another Pbaser on here that I really look up to their work. I won't mention names, but many of his wonderful images have post processing that, to me, reminds me of old NBC TV like from the 1950-1960s when the images were very bright almost silvery at times not alot of contrast one second and then crazy high contrast the next. I can't really describe it. I just know I see it all the time in famous historical clips.

I tried to copy that look tonight. So the quick SP really has no importance to the final image, tonight it was about trying to replicate that look.

Oh I also learned something by mistake, and I am so glad I did. SHARPEN after you resize for the web not before. WOW what I difference. Can't really see it that much in this image but I did it on some others and WOW. I wish I knew that flow months ago.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
1/250s f/8.0 at 70.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 08-Oct-2005 06:16
this is REALLY good!!
...duncan07-Oct-2005 22:09
Interesting shot the paper like background is a great idea along with the washed look!
Guest 05-Oct-2005 04:03
I like it. There is something odd about it but it is an interesting effect. It looks almost like the result of an artist layering multiple materials more than it does a photo. High impact image.
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