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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> October 2005 > Birthday Boy
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Birthday Boy

Today, October 1, 2005, is my thirty third birthday.

Abby had a birthday party for me, just the two of us.

She took this snap, I helped with the settings. That counts as a PAD right?

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
1/250s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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James Lundy03-Oct-2005 03:29
Thanks everyone, it was a wonderful day.

Made possible by my Grandmother and Uncle and Mom and Dad calling, sometimes it is hard to be away from family.

And ofcourse by Abby. Love you all.

Oh yeah I can't forget Kenai and Dixie, them too!
1105191203-Oct-2005 02:10
Happy B-day.
John S. Nasche03-Oct-2005 01:26
Thinking about it, ... what makes this REALLY depressing is that in a little over a month I will be FIFTY three. GADS! I'm twenty years older than you! (I guess I could try to be positive and say that I'm 20 years better than you too.)
royalld02-Oct-2005 12:36
Happy birthday, James.
John S. Nasche02-Oct-2005 07:01
Now, if Abby REALLY loved Ya, she would have got some strippin’ dancing wimmin to go with the balloons. What good are birthday balloons without strippin’ singin’ dancing wimmin right? LOL! Happy BD Bud. Didn’t know you were just a child though. (Sigh) I’m feelin’ old.
Storm 02-Oct-2005 06:44
happy 33 james and great job abby
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