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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> PAD 2005 Your Favorites > Geisha Girl Gone Wrong!
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Geisha Girl Gone Wrong!

Ok it was a brave attempt by Abby to play dress up for me tonight. We had come up with the idea of Abby doing the face makup of a Geisha girl.

Well nice idea but our planning could use some tweaking.

You see, Oyster Powder is 30 dollars a tube and Vampire makeup for Halloween is 3 dollars a tube. Well as you can see the Vampire makup does not go on nice and smooth like a Geisha should look.

Funny none the less. PAD anyway.

Side note: I got my 20D back today from Canon Factory Repair. The 28-135 IS lens did need to have it's IS function replaced. The 20D got a sensor cleaning since it was shipped to me brand new and dirty. The 20D also got a auto-focus calibration. Things seem to be a little better more testing will be done this weekend so I can build some confidence with the repairs.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
1/250s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Jun-2005 02:45
A funny story with this one. I like the idea. Breaking the frame size and giving this a tight, square crop might give it even more impact. Bless her for being a patient and willing model. It's difficult enough for me to get my wife in front of my camera even without this extra theatre. Well done.
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