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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> February 2005 > SP Friday: Sunset
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SP Friday: Sunset

Well I just cralled into the weeds, in a field near my apartment, and looked towards the sunset. Very strong orange sunset tonight that placed some strange colors on my skin tone.

I have a funny alternate but I couldn't bring myself to post it as my PaD so it is my alternate. It is called "Yeah its SP Friday!"

Have you stopped by my PaD Ambivalence (Outtakes) Gallery? it is over here.

As always comments are welcome. Thanks for stopping by.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/320s f/3.2 at 7.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ian Clowes19-Feb-2005 23:21
Impressive shot - thanks for the PaD comment... added you to the growing fav's list! I'll be back.
Guest 19-Feb-2005 18:51
Nice capture. Very vivid and dreamy with the oranges and blues.
Antonis Sarantos19-Feb-2005 18:13
Excellent portrait, the light, the colour and most of all the background are great!
Guest 19-Feb-2005 05:25
Super color you've captured here, James! Great SP!
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