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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> February 2005 > Jolly
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Well I learned some interesting things about my Canon G5 the last weekend. Or was it the week before? Anyway.

I was having trouble getting flash ratios to work. Well it turns out it was because I was in full manual mode on the camera body. Wireless flash ratios are not avaliable on the G5 when set to full manual. But it does work in Av and Tv modes.

So what I really learned is that I have a whole lot more to learn about the controlling of light. See above!

If anyone is using Speedlites for there home "studio" I would be interested in any advice that you can give. me.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/250s f/2.5 at 17.6mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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