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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> February 2005 > Cheap Thrills
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Cheap Thrills

I needed a little splash of color tonight. The camera was set to vivid in the customs field.

These are gel sample books for your light modifiers. They can be purchased from B&H for a whole penny! That is one hundredth (1/100) of a US dollar. What a bargin for a PaD prop. Well the two books added up to 0.02 cents but the UPS Ground 3-5 day shipping was $4.45 funny huh! :p

No, I didn't get them for a PaD prop. I have an idea to place them inside the stofen on my flash as a way to play with flash colors. Something to play with down the road on a boring day.

Here is a link to the sample book,
and the cinegel is here,

These little sample books are 1.75 by 2.75 inches. The real products get up to sizes like 25 by 48 inches and I think bigger.

A overexposed version can be found here.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/20s f/7.1 at 23.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Elaine (etfitz)12-Feb-2005 01:06
Great colors!
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