Well it's is still winter here, even though it was way above normal temps for East Tennessee this time of year. So there are no flowers in bloom so I had to make due with what I see around me. So I present to you the valve "flower". This particular flower is capable of surviving in extreme cold temperatures even as low as -196 Deg C and under the force of hundreds of atmospheres of pressure.
Haha, just kidding, it is not a flower, duh. This is a valve for our Liquid Nitrogen delivery system at work.
Liquid Nitrogen has a boiling point of -195.8 C or -320.5 F if you sick your finger in it for longer than 3 seconds you will get frost bite. If you can stand the pain of keeping your finger in it for 10 seconds you can pull your finger out and make a fist and watch that finger shatter. Pretty cool stuff. It has a expansion ratio of 1:694 so one ounce of Liquid Nitrogen swallowed fast enough not to burn your throat will expand into 694 ounces of Nitrogen Gas and cause your stomach and intenstines to explode like a over blown ballon!
Please don't try any of that at home jackass.
Chemistry is fuN!