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Afternoon at Zamora

Slaven's Zamora Hills Sheepdog Trial is legendary for those with working border collies. The trial is famous for its 800+ yard outrun, challenging terrain and sheep-swallowing arroyo, as well as for the hospitality of the Slaven family. These shots of the trial field were taken Saturday afternoon during the second of two Open trials held February 16 - 19, 2007.

The Slaven Ranch is located about thirty miles northwest of Sacramento, California.
The trial field at Zamora
The trial field at Zamora
Best seats in the house
Best seats in the house
Shedding ring
Shedding ring
Shedding ring and pen
Shedding ring and pen
The exhaust
The exhaust
Range ewes
Range ewes
More spectators
More spectators
No pasarán
No pasarán
That'll do
That'll do
Elizabeth Baker's Rye
Elizabeth Baker's Rye
After the cross drive
After the cross drive
At the pen
At the pen
On deck
On deck
Losing daylight
Losing daylight
Dusk - The Lombardi Tower
Dusk - The Lombardi Tower
Bill Slaven, Dr. John Madigan, Jack Slaven
Bill Slaven, Dr. John Madigan, Jack Slaven
Slaven Ranch --  Zamora Hills, California
Slaven Ranch -- Zamora Hills, California