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Deems Burton | all galleries >> The High Sierra, John Muir's Range of Light >> High Sierra Panoramas > Thousand Island lake panorama
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Aug 17, 2005

Thousand Island lake panorama

This view is from the John Muir Trail in the afternoon, looking across Thousand Island Lake at Ritter and Banner peaks.

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Rafter Jack 01-Jun-2007 00:10
Wonderful pictures . Thank you . I hiked from Mex . border to S Lake Tahoe in 2004 . Went through here with a girlfriend . We had a bear encounter ( and cub ) at Rush Creek . Spooked me . Next day I RACED to Tuolumne so as to get to sleep , ' indoors ' . . . did not know about tents : " Tents you say ? " I have balance to complete to Manning . Maybe next year as early as possible I can get started and see where it takes me . Thank you again for sharing these many , many wonderful shots . Inspiring and warms my heart . Rafter Jack ( Jack Patterson )
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