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Lois Kosch | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2006 San Diego County Fair -- Photo Contest Potential Entries > Honorable Mention!!
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15-JAN-2006 Lois

Honorable Mention!!

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Digital Nuts27-Mar-2006 14:04
Very creative, a definite entry.
Annie J27-Mar-2006 04:03
I love the colors in this one, I think that this one is different and unique, espeically with that LensBaby, I liked this one before and still really like it!
Laura Milholland21-Jan-2006 17:34
This worked really well. I like the Lensbaby effect on this one especially.
Guest 19-Jan-2006 01:42
I agree with the others, this is very imaginative!
Annie J17-Jan-2006 05:28
I like it! You have such a great imagination for still life's Lois!
Maureen16-Jan-2006 13:19
The color is really nice. I like the effect from the lensbaby!
fotabug16-Jan-2006 03:33
Good imagination.