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Galapagos Islands

...first brought to the world's attention by Charles Darwin in 1835, these are Ecuador's premier attraction and the greatest wildlife show that can be experienced "in the real" ...the birds and mammals are so unafraid that it is quite an experience, and a humbling one at that...that we are their guests and we need to tread lightly if we are to continue to enjoy their environment and to preserve it for generations to follow...iguanas, boobies, frigate birds, sealions, penguins...tortoises...all ready to pose and to entertain...
Galapagos National Reserve
Galapagos National Reserve
Land Lizard
Land Lizard
Marine Iguana
Marine Iguana
Sea Lion
Sea Lion
Galapagos Vista
Galapagos Vista
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Sea Lions Basking
Sea Lions Basking
Adolescent Sea Lion
Adolescent Sea Lion
Galapagos Panorama
Galapagos Panorama
Marine Iguana
Marine Iguana
Kissing Cousins!
Kissing Cousins!
Galapagos Penguins
Galapagos Penguins
Blue Footed Booby
Blue Footed Booby
Galapagos Penguin
Galapagos Penguin
Frigate Bird
Frigate Bird
Frigate Bird
Frigate Bird
Frigate Bird
Frigate Bird
Land Iguana
Land Iguana
Land Iguana
Land Iguana
Blue Footed Booby
Blue Footed Booby
Blue Footed Booby with young
Blue Footed Booby with young
Masked Boobies
Masked Boobies
Galapagos Vista
Galapagos Vista
Giant Land Tortoise
Giant Land Tortoise
Salad, anybody....
Salad, anybody....
Blue Footed Boobies - Mating Ritual
Blue Footed Boobies - Mating Ritual
Blue Footed Booby with Hatchlings
Blue Footed Booby with Hatchlings
Galapagos Vista
Galapagos Vista
Lonesome George - the last of his sub-species
Lonesome George - the last of his sub-species
Shadows - Group waving Adios! Galapagos!
Shadows - Group waving "Adios! Galapagos!"