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Railroads: Front Loader as Locomotive

Want to move a freight car from your facility into the neighboring freight yard?
Too lazy to call for a switching locomotive to do the work?
Need to train your front loader operator in "delicate work"?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then use a front loader to move that freight car! It saves time, effort, and money. Never mind that the freight car gets a few scratches, scrapes, or dents.

The pictures show an open-top car filled with wood chips being moved from a processing facility to a yard track. The pictures were taken from the Maxwell Road overpass in Eugene, Oregon.

Front loader #1
Front loader #1
Front loader #2
Front loader #2
Front loader #3
Front loader #3
Front loader #4
Front loader #4
Front loader #5
Front loader #5
Front loader #6
Front loader #6