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A short Subic sortie

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A brief visit to Subic rainforest allowed me to get close to a Philippine Woodpecker and a Stripe-headed Rhabdornis .

Philippine Woodpecker (Dendrocopos maculatus, a Philippine endemic) 

Habitat - Smallest Philippine woodpecker, common in lowland and montane forest and edge, 
in understory and canopy. 

Shooting Info - Subic rainforest, Zambales, Philippines, February 11, 2017, EOS 7D MII + EF 400 DO IS II + EF 1.4x TC III, 
560 mm, f/6.3, 1/640 sec, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, hand held, uncropped full frame resized to 1500 x 1000.

Philippine Woodpecker (Dendrocopos maculatus, a Philippine endemic)

Habitat - Smallest Philippine woodpecker, common in lowland and montane forest and edge,
in understory and canopy.

Shooting Info - Subic rainforest, Zambales, Philippines, February 11, 2017, EOS 7D MII + EF 400 DO IS II + EF 1.4x TC III,
560 mm, f/6.3, 1/640 sec, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, hand held, uncropped full frame resized to 1500 x 1000.

Stripe-headed Rhabdornis (Rhabdornis mystacalis, a Philippine endemic) 

Habitat - Lowland forest and second growth. 

Shooting Info - Subic rainforest, Zambales, Philippines, February 11, 2017, EOS 7D MII + EF 400 DO IS II + EF 2x TC III, 
800 mm, f/9, 1/320 sec, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, hand held, near full frame resized to 1500 x 1000.

Stripe-headed Rhabdornis (Rhabdornis mystacalis, a Philippine endemic)

Habitat - Lowland forest and second growth.

Shooting Info - Subic rainforest, Zambales, Philippines, February 11, 2017, EOS 7D MII + EF 400 DO IS II + EF 2x TC III,
800 mm, f/9, 1/320 sec, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, hand held, near full frame resized to 1500 x 1000.

Philippine Woodpecker (Dendrocopos maculatus, a Philippine endemic) 

Habitat - Smallest Philippine woodpecker, common in lowland and montane forest and edge, 
in understory and canopy. 

Shooting Info - Subic rainforest, Zambales, Philippines, February 11, 2017, EOS 7D MII + EF 400 DO IS II + EF 1.4x TC III, 
560 mm, f/6.3, 1/640 sec, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, hand held, near full frame resized to 1500 x 1000.

Philippine Woodpecker (Dendrocopos maculatus, a Philippine endemic)

Habitat - Smallest Philippine woodpecker, common in lowland and montane forest and edge,
in understory and canopy.

Shooting Info - Subic rainforest, Zambales, Philippines, February 11, 2017, EOS 7D MII + EF 400 DO IS II + EF 1.4x TC III,
560 mm, f/6.3, 1/640 sec, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, hand held, near full frame resized to 1500 x 1000.