IMG_3187-1000x750.jpgFerruginous Flycatcher (Muscicapa ferruginea, rare migrant, immature)
Habitat: rare, not shy, perches in the understory of forest, flying out to catch insects.
Shooting info - Paranaque City, October 19, 2010, 7D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, f/5.6, ISO 800, 1/160 sec, manual exposure in available light, 475B/3421 support.
 IMG_2885.jpgFerruginous Flycatcher (Muscicapa ferruginea, rare migrant, immature)
Habitat: rare, not shy, perches in the understory of forest, flying out to catch insects.
Shooting info - Paranaque City, October 19, 2010, 7D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, f/5.6, ISO 1600, 1/100 sec, manual exposure in available light, 475B/3421 support. |
 IMG_2954.jpgFerruginous Flycatcher (Muscicapa ferruginea, rare migrant, immature)
Habitat: rare, not shy, perches in the understory of forest, flying out to catch insects.
Shooting info - Paranaque City, October 19, 2010, 7D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, f/5.6, ISO 1600, 1/160 sec, manual exposure in available light, 475B/3421 support. |