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Feathers in motion at Candaba wetlands

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More water birds captured recently at my favorite wetlands.
Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax, resident/migrant, immature) 

Habitat - Variety of wetlands from ricefields to mangroves. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 24, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO 800, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax, resident/migrant, immature)

Habitat - Variety of wetlands from ricefields to mangroves.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 24, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO 800, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea, resident) 

Habitat - Fairly common in all types of wetlands. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea, resident)

Habitat - Fairly common in all types of wetlands.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea, migrant) 

Habitat - Uncommon in wetlands. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec, ISO 800, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea, migrant)

Habitat - Uncommon in wetlands.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec, ISO 800, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea, resident) 

Habitat - Fairly common in all types of wetlands. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea, resident)

Habitat - Fairly common in all types of wetlands.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis, resident/migrant) 

Habitat: Pastures, ricefields and marshes. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 22, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, 
f/9, 1/30 sec, ISO 400, IS mode 2, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis, resident/migrant)

Habitat: Pastures, ricefields and marshes.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 22, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm,
f/9, 1/30 sec, ISO 400, IS mode 2, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra, migrant) 

Habitat - Uncommon in inland bodies of open water, lakes and marshes. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 22, 2011, 7D + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/7.1, 1/1000 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, bean bag.

Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra, migrant)

Habitat - Uncommon in inland bodies of open water, lakes and marshes.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 22, 2011, 7D + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/7.1, 1/1000 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, bean bag.

Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata, resident) 

Habitat: Common in open country, cultivated areas and gardens. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 7D + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/7.1, 1/500 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, bean bag.

Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata, resident)

Habitat: Common in open country, cultivated areas and gardens.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 7D + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/7.1, 1/500 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, bean bag.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus, resident) 

Habitat - Common in virtually every inhabited island. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 24, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, 
f/6.3, 1/800 sec, ISO 800, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head, uncropped full frame resized to 1500x1000.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus, resident)

Habitat - Common in virtually every inhabited island.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 24, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm,
f/6.3, 1/800 sec, ISO 800, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head, uncropped full frame resized to 1500x1000.

Striated Grassbird (Megalurus palustris, resident) 

Habitat - Grasslands, ricefields and open country. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 7D + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/800 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, bean bag.

Striated Grassbird (Megalurus palustris, resident)

Habitat - Grasslands, ricefields and open country.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 7D + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC,
700 mm, f/6.3, 1/800 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, bean bag.

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus, migrant) 

Habitat: Wetlands from coastal mudflats to ricefields 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, 
f/7.1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus, migrant)

Habitat: Wetlands from coastal mudflats to ricefields

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm,
f/7.1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head.

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus, migrant/resident) 

Habitat - Wide variety of habitats, from along coasts to high mountains. 

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm, 
f/7.1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head, composite of 3 shots from a burst.

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus, migrant/resident)

Habitat - Wide variety of habitats, from along coasts to high mountains.

Shooting info - Candaba wetlands, Pampanga, Philippines, January 23, 2011, 1DM4 + 500 f4 IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 700 mm,
f/7.1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 400, manual exposure in available light, 475B tripod/516 fluid head, composite of 3 shots from a burst.