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Linda A | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Every Day I Write My Book - 2004 diary tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Every Day I Write My Book - 2004 diary

No hiding, no flinching and no compromise.

If you're here to look at good photos, please go away. The photos in this gallery are illustrations of my life only - they're not intended to be good photos, though obviously I try to make them as good as possible, they just have to be meaningful.

Why not drop me a comment if you'd like to share your views on something I've written or if you like something you've seen here.

Just click on the 'thumbnail' to see the photo and the day's commentary.

Jeanne Ricci has a fabulous Links page to all the PotD galleries

if you do like what you see, last year's diary is still loaded so do go back and take a look at that too.
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11th June 2004 - ballooons over London
11th June 2004 - ballooons over London
10th June 2004 - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
10th June 2004 - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
9th June 2004 - one is NOT fun!
9th June 2004 - one is NOT fun!
8th June 2004 - I hate the buttons on your shirt....
8th June 2004 - I hate the buttons on your shirt....
7th June 2004 - no hiding, no flinching and no compromise!
7th June 2004 - no hiding, no flinching and no compromise!
6th June 2004 - dabbling my feet in a pond that didn't exist...
6th June 2004 - dabbling my feet in a pond that didn't exist...
5th June 2004 - Buried Treasure
5th June 2004 - Buried Treasure
4th June 2004 - Tiny
4th June 2004 - Tiny
3rd June 2004 - desperate measures
3rd June 2004 - desperate measures
2nd June 2004 - towers of strength and guiding lights
2nd June 2004 - towers of strength and guiding lights
1st June 2004 - from the bottom of me to the top...
1st June 2004 - from the bottom of me to the top...
31st may 2004 - Sprout Bags
31st may 2004 - Sprout Bags
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