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Bermuda is often portrayed as a tourist destination, and many of the images online reinforce this view of the island. The purpose of these galleries is to display a wide range of images of Bermuda as seen through the eyes of a Bermudian.
They call it country (West Side, Somerset, Bermuda)
:: They call it country (West Side, Somerset, Bermuda) ::
Bermuda's hurricane season
:: Bermuda's hurricane season ::
Walk about Istanbul
:: Walk about Istanbul ::
 Mostly Dockyard, Bermuda
::  Mostly Dockyard, Bermuda ::
Bermuda: Wadson Farms
:: Bermuda: Wadson Farms ::
City of Hamilton, Bermuda
:: City of Hamilton, Bermuda ::
Tall Ships 2009 Challenge: Bermuda
:: Tall Ships 2009 Challenge: Bermuda ::
Farmyard abstracts
:: Farmyard abstracts ::
Spain 2007
:: Spain 2007 ::
Fez, Morocco 2007
:: Fez, Morocco 2007 ::
Bermuda seascapes
:: Bermuda seascapes ::
Spirit of Bermuda
:: Spirit of Bermuda ::
Every boat has a story
:: Every boat has a story ::
A Bermuda wedding
:: A Bermuda wedding ::
Fishing in Bermuda
:: Fishing in Bermuda ::
Bermuda's cultural landscape:  farming
:: Bermuda's cultural landscape: farming ::
Bermuda: Long Bay park campers
:: Bermuda: Long Bay park campers ::
Carla's cacti
:: Carla's cacti ::
Nature's color palette
:: Nature's color palette ::
Cricket in Bermuda
:: Cricket in Bermuda ::
The streets of Hamilton, Bermuda
:: The streets of Hamilton, Bermuda ::
Garden and wild flowers
:: Garden and wild flowers ::
Bermuda is another world (title of a song by Hubert Smith)
:: Bermuda is another world (title of a song by Hubert Smith) ::
Ireland, 2005
:: Ireland, 2005 ::
Hall's lake, Halliburton Highlands, Canada 2006
:: Hall's lake, Halliburton Highlands, Canada 2006 ::
Comet sailboat race
:: Comet sailboat race ::
World Heritage Site: St. George's, Bermuda
:: World Heritage Site: St. George's, Bermuda ::
Yachts: Newport to Bermuda race, 2006
:: Yachts: Newport to Bermuda race, 2006 ::
Maine 2006
:: Maine 2006 ::
The anatomy of a violin
:: The anatomy of a violin ::
Bermuda's timeless images
:: Bermuda's timeless images ::
:: Fallen ::
Glass on glass
:: Glass on glass ::
Long Bay east, Somerset
:: Long Bay east, Somerset ::
Nighttime: Dockyard, Bermuda
:: Nighttime: Dockyard, Bermuda ::
:: Portraits ::
:: Kiteboarding ::
A week with the Thomas family
:: A week with the Thomas family ::
Shades of green
:: Shades of green ::
Somerset village
:: Somerset village ::
Kayaking at Methelin Bay
:: Kayaking at Methelin Bay ::
Bermuda: Ferry Reach Park, St. Georges
:: Bermuda: Ferry Reach Park, St. Georges ::
Elbow Beach
:: Elbow Beach ::
Whale Bay: Cousin Erna's picnic
:: Whale Bay: Cousin Erna's picnic ::
Summer colors
:: Summer colors ::
Bermuda: Streets of Hamilton (2008)
:: Bermuda: Streets of Hamilton (2008) ::
Men at work
:: Men at work ::
Hurricane Igor
:: Hurricane Igor ::