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Jolene Bean | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Comet sailboat race tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Comet sailboat race

These photos represent the annual long distance sailboat races between the east and the west end of Bermuda. This year (2006) the comets sailed from St George's to Somerset
the Nymph's on its way
the Nymph's on its way
assisting the skipper
assisting the skipper
assisting the skipper II
assisting the skipper II
off to the starting marker
off to the starting marker
Stevie Dickenson and first mate
Stevie Dickenson and first mate
the Nymph
the Nymph
last minute preparations
last minute preparations
more spectators
more spectators
close race
close race
three in a row
three in a row
four in a row
four in a row
side by side
side by side
watching Melody (green boat)
watching Melody (green boat)
lagging behind
lagging behind
a comet called Radical
a comet called Radical
bringing up the rear
bringing up the rear
Jet ski spectators
Jet ski spectators
all over for some
all over for some