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Photo.Keely | all galleries >> Special Projects >> Low Light > Kintampo Waterfall
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29-AUG-2016 Dick Keely

Kintampo Waterfall

Kintampo, Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Martin Lamoon06-Oct-2016 17:28
A superb waterfall capture.
Gary06-Oct-2016 17:18
Excellent image of this magnificent falls...
Pete Hemington06-Oct-2016 06:17
Superb falls and perfect exposure time
Dennis Hoyne06-Oct-2016 03:44
I agree with both of the previous, the human figure is important! A lovely composition. v.
laine06-Oct-2016 00:20
an excellent capture...the human adds perspective.
Nirvan Hope05-Oct-2016 21:51
A stunning falls photo, especially like the figure giving proportion. (looks like he's dancing!)
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