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Photo.Keely | all galleries >> Special Projects >> Low Light > Alex and Nolly
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29-AUG-2016 Dick Keely

Alex and Nolly

Kintampo Waterfall, Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana

Kintampo Waterfall is one of the highest waterfalls in Ghana.
It is located on the Pumpum river, a tributary of the Black Volta.
It is about 4 km (2.5 mi) north of Kintampo municipality, on the Kumasi-Tamale road.
It was also known as Sanders Falls during colonial times.
The waterfall, one of the main natural attractions in the area, is hidden in forest.
It is formed by 3 main drops where the longest drop measures 25 metres (82 ft) in height.
After a number of steps and cascades, the river falls about 70 metres.
Reference: Wikipedia

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Oct-2016 10:59
Lovely and colorful work,bravo! VVV
Konrad Busslinger07-Oct-2016 05:55
Interesting photo, every thing is in blue.
Martin Lamoon01-Oct-2016 16:45
Excellent portraits
Jeff Real01-Oct-2016 13:48
This is an absolutely amazing photograph ~V~
NealyBob01-Oct-2016 09:17
Two great portraits with an awesome background~!V
Dennis Hoyne01-Oct-2016 03:34
A wonderful portrait of these two good looking guys! I hope you were able to give them some prints. V.
larose forest photos30-Sep-2016 21:30
Superb photography in this marvelous portrait with the impressive falls as backdrop. Thanks for the good info on it. V
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