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Photo.Keely | all galleries >> Special Projects >> Fauna + Flora >> Goats > Billy the Kid - Tailgate Party
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20-JUL-2012 Dick Keely

Billy the Kid - Tailgate Party

Techiman, Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana

We got a present of a young goat in Walewale, Northern Ghana. At first, Billy was tied up and took very badly to the 500 mile journey south, protesting loudly at every bump in the road. Then we cut him some slack, loosened his bindings, and he became quite relaxed about the trip. He's pictured here in the back of the Toyota-Hiace, surrounded by mango leaves, observing the goings on outside. The disgruntled rooster is in the cardboard box. See also: and

Canon Powershot G12
1/400s f/3.2 at 10.8mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cindi Smith17-Aug-2012 15:04
You running farm animals all around? Cute shot!
Guest 17-Aug-2012 12:16
Wonderful capture of quite cute critter against an unexpected background. v
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