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The domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is a subspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe.
The goat is a member of the family Bovidae and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae.
Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species, and have been used for their milk, meat, hair, and skins over much of the world.
There are over 300 distinct breeds of goat and in the 20th century, the gained popularity as pets.
Female goats are referred to as "does" or "nannies", intact males as "bucks" or "billies", and their offspring are "kids".
Castrated males are "wethers". Goat meat from younger animals is called "kid" or cabrito (Spanish), and from older animals is simply known as "goat" or sometimes called chevon (French), or in some areas "mutton" (which more often refers to adult sheep meat).
Reference: Wikipedia
Curious Goat
Curious Goat
White Goats
White Goats
We are not amused
We are not amused
All dressed up ...
All dressed up ...
Scratchin & Watchin
Scratchin & Watchin
White Goat
White Goat
Nanny Goat
Nanny Goat
Cool Tin Roof
Cool Tin Roof
Kid Goat
Kid Goat
King Puck, bronze statue
King Puck, bronze statue
Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
Winking Goat
Winking Goat
Mountain Goat
Mountain Goat
Minding the Kids
Minding the Kids
Just Good Friends
Just Good Friends
Billy the Kid - Tailgate Party
Billy the Kid - Tailgate Party
Fresh Mango Leaves
Fresh Mango Leaves
King Puck
King Puck
Goat Mobile
Goat Mobile
Goats, Gates & Walls
Goats, Gates & Walls
White Kid Goat
White Kid Goat
Just Kidding
Just Kidding
Christmas Goat 2
Christmas Goat 2
Christmas Goat 4
Christmas Goat 4
Christmas Goat 5
Christmas Goat 5
Christmas Goat 1
Christmas Goat 1
Christmas Goat 7
Christmas Goat 7
Christmas Goat 6
Christmas Goat 6
Village Life
Village Life
Christmas Goat 3
Christmas Goat 3
Nanny Goat
Nanny Goat
Village Life
Village Life
Goat Carriage
Goat Carriage
Feral Goats
Feral Goats
Ghana Goat
Ghana Goat
Goat for Sale
Goat for Sale
Whit Goat
Whit Goat