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Lieve Snellings | profile | all galleries >> for Peace and Justice >> 16th Global Conference of Women in Black in Bangalore, India, 2015 >> 03 - World Court of Women Against war, For Peace >> 12 - Session 5 - Gathering of Spirit tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

12 - Session 5 - Gathering of Spirit

This session will hear women who have been central to many significant movements for peace and justice and are therefore re-finding new transformative visions for our violent times.

Visual: Gathering of Spirit

Naga Mothers, Nagaland - Resistance and hHope
Faika Haroun, South Africa - Women's Movement
War Survivor
Shahin Marja N, Iran - Iranian women's movement
Arusik Ohanyan, Armenia - Resistance
Lyn Barry, South Africa - (video: we come from people)
Maria Viadero Acha, Basque women - Women's Rights
DSC_9258 Naga Mothers Nagaland
DSC_9258 Naga Mothers Nagaland
DSC_9260 Naga Mothers Nagaland
DSC_9260 Naga Mothers Nagaland
DSC_9263 Faika Haroun
DSC_9263 Faika Haroun
DSC_9277  Faika Haroun
DSC_9277 Faika Haroun
DSC_9265  Faika Haroun
DSC_9265 Faika Haroun
DSC_9286 Shahin Marjan N Iran
DSC_9286 Shahin Marjan N Iran
DSC_9289 Shahin Marjan N Iran
DSC_9289 Shahin Marjan N Iran
DSC_9297 Arusik Ohanyan
DSC_9297 Arusik Ohanyan
DSC_9298 Arusik Ohanyan
DSC_9298 Arusik Ohanyan
DSC_9305 Arusik Ohanyan
DSC_9305 Arusik Ohanyan
DSC_9311 Lyn Clarke India
DSC_9311 Lyn Clarke India
DSC_9310 Lyn Clarke India
DSC_9310 Lyn Clarke India
DSC_9309 Lyn Clarke India
DSC_9309 Lyn Clarke India
DSC_9327 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9327 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9329 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9329 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9330 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9330 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9336 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9336 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9332 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9332 Maria Viadero Acha
DSC_9343 Shelley Barry South Africa
DSC_9343 Shelley Barry South Africa