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Lieve Snellings | profile | all galleries >> for Peace and Justice >> 16th Global Conference of Women in Black in Bangalore, India, 2015 >> 03 - World Court of Women Against war, For Peace >> 05 - Session 1 - Wars as Genocide tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

05 - Session 1 - Wars as Genocide

We have seen the increasing technologisation and nuclearisations of wars that have become destructive on a genocidal scale. This session will hear the testimonies of women who have borne witness to the most grotesque faces of modern warfare.

Visual Testimony : Wars as Genocide
Expert Witness: Shiv Vishvanathan, India

Bakira Hasecic, Bosnia (video - rape/etnic cleansing)
Mother Mejra, Bosnia (video - mass graves)
Veneranda, Rwanda ((video - genocide)
Eman Khammas, Iraq - Refugees
Susanna Ounei, Pacific Islands (video - nuclear radiation/indigenous)
Beni Chugh, India - Congo brutality
Stan Goff, USA (video - US Marine in Vietnam talks to his son, a US Marine in Iraq)
Tasneem Akhtar, India - Militarization
Anandi Sasitharan, Sri Lanka - war crimes
DSC_8759 Desmond Tuto
DSC_8759 Desmond Tuto
DSC_8765 Bakira Hasecic
DSC_8765 Bakira Hasecic
DSC_8770 Shiv Vishvanathan
DSC_8770 Shiv Vishvanathan
DSC_8772 Shiv Vishvanathan
DSC_8772 Shiv Vishvanathan
DSC_8778 Shiv Vishvanathan
DSC_8778 Shiv Vishvanathan
DSC_8783 mother Meyra Bosnia
DSC_8783 mother Meyra Bosnia
DSC_8786 Veneranda from Rwanda
DSC_8786 Veneranda from Rwanda
DSC_8793 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8793 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8799 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8799 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8800 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8800 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8806 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8806 Eman Khammas Iraq
DSC_8809 Susanna Ouni Kanak Islands
DSC_8809 Susanna Ouni Kanak Islands
DSC_8814 Congo brutality
DSC_8814 Congo brutality
DSC_8816 Congo brutality
DSC_8816 Congo brutality
DSC_8817 Congo brutality
DSC_8817 Congo brutality
DSC_8818 Beni Chugh India - Congo brutality
DSC_8818 Beni Chugh India - Congo brutality
DSC_8823 Beni Chugh India - Congo brutality
DSC_8823 Beni Chugh India - Congo brutality
DSC_8826 Beni Chugh India - Congo brutality
DSC_8826 Beni Chugh India - Congo brutality
DSC_8827 Stan Goff USA
DSC_8827 Stan Goff USA
DSC_8853 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8853 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8858 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8858 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8859 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8859 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8860 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8860 Tasneem Akhtar India Kashmir
DSC_8874 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8874 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8867 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8867 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8866 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8866 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8862 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka
DSC_8862 Anandi Sasithatan Sri Laka