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Places in the world | Flowers | Beautiful Earth | Candid portrait | Food and Drinks | Reflection | Dance of Nature | Street shots | Windows | Sometime at dusk | Some moments | Birds and ducks | My favortite | Random Moments and Places | Me | Shoot and to be shot | Sunset of a wonderful day


Alsace, France Strasbourg g4/04/616504/3/135950578.OhStDvc5.jpg g4/04/616504/3/135899986.K2oc0fv2.jpg Rome
Rome Rome Rome Casina di Keats in window g6/04/616504/3/81683119.pZ7sx3lw.jpg
g6/04/616504/3/81408404.Ub6FzzhK.jpg g6/04/616504/3/80148278.4r8qghVK.jpg g6/04/616504/3/72121269.YLvVuFxW.jpg Tibet Tibet
Tibet Tashilhunpo Monastery Tibet Tibet Strasbourg, France
Delft, Netherlands Roma, Italy. Roma, Italy. Alsace, France Museum. Masstricht, The Netherlands.
g4/04/616504/3/60428080.IMG_1518_window_041008.jpg Naples, Italy Illkirch, France. Sauerland, Germany Sauerland, Germany
Alsace, France Alsace, France