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Chinese Mantid

The Chinese Mantid (Tenodera aridifolia sinensis) is one of the largest mantids and is widely distributed in the US due to the availability of commercially purchased egg-cases.
This mantid was introduced in the US from China in the 1890's to control pest insect populations.
These mantids grow up to five inches long and their coloration ranges from tan, green or a combination of the two.

Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid, Juvenile
Chinese Mantid, Juvenile
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid Late Instar Nymph
Chinese Mantid Late Instar Nymph
Juvenile Chinese Mantid Late Instar Nymph
Juvenile Chinese Mantid Late Instar Nymph
Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid with Carpenter Bee Prey
Chinese Mantid with Carpenter Bee Prey
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid with Viceroy Butterfly Prey
Chinese Mantid with Viceroy Butterfly Prey
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid
Chinese Mantid