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Candid Caterpillars

Caterpillars observed in the United States

Imperial Moth Caterpillar (7704)
Imperial Moth Caterpillar (7704)
Luna Moth Caterpillar (5th and Final Instar)
Luna Moth Caterpillar (5th and Final Instar)
Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpillar
Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpillar
Caterpillar of Queen Butterfly
Caterpillar of Queen Butterfly
Elm Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (7786)
Elm Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (7786)
Elm Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (7786)
Elm Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (7786)
Splendid Dagger Moth Caterpillar (9226)
Splendid Dagger Moth Caterpillar (9226)
Splendid Dagger Moth Caterpillar (9226)
Splendid Dagger Moth Caterpillar (9226)
Spotted Apatelodes Moth (7663)
Spotted Apatelodes Moth (7663)
Spotted Apatelodes Moth (7663)
Spotted Apatelodes Moth (7663)
Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Southern Pine Sphinx Caterpillar (7816)
Southern Pine Sphinx Caterpillar (7816)
Southern Pine Sphinx Caterpillar (7816)
Southern Pine Sphinx Caterpillar (7816)
Southern Pine Sphinx Caterpillar (7816)
Southern Pine Sphinx Caterpillar (7816)
Azalea Caterpillar Moth Larva (7905)
Azalea Caterpillar Moth Larva (7905)
Cucullia Moth Caterpillar (10192)
Cucullia Moth Caterpillar (10192)
Imperial Moth Caterpillar (7704)
Imperial Moth Caterpillar (7704)
Atlas Moth Caterpillar
Atlas Moth Caterpillar
Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth
Monarch Caterpillar
Monarch Caterpillar
Virginia Creeper Sphinx Caterpillar (7885)
Virginia Creeper Sphinx Caterpillar (7885)
Virginia Creeper Sphinx Caterpillar (7885)
Virginia Creeper Sphinx Caterpillar (7885)
Drexel's Datana Moth Caterpillar (7904)
Drexel's Datana Moth Caterpillar (7904)
Drexel's Datana Moth Caterpillar (7904)
Drexel's Datana Moth Caterpillar (7904)
White-marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar (8316)
White-marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar (8316)
Ovate Dagger Moth Caterpillar (9243)
Ovate Dagger Moth Caterpillar (9243)
Tulip Tree Beauty Moth Caterpillar (6599)
Tulip Tree Beauty Moth Caterpillar (6599)
White Furcula Moth Caterpillar (7936)
White Furcula Moth Caterpillar (7936)
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth (7701)
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth (7701)
Cattail Caterpillar Moth (9280)
Cattail Caterpillar Moth (9280)
Spiny Oakworm Moth Caterpillar (7716)
Spiny Oakworm Moth Caterpillar (7716)
Spiny Oakworm Moth Caterpillar (7716)
Spiny Oakworm Moth Caterpillar (7716)
Banded Tussock Moth Caterpillar (8203)
Banded Tussock Moth Caterpillar (8203)
Banded Tussock Moth Caterpillar (8203)
Banded Tussock Moth Caterpillar (8203)
Unidentified Caterpillars
Unidentified Caterpillars
Unidentified Caterpillars
Unidentified Caterpillars
Unknown Caterpillar
Unknown Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar
Unknown Caterpillar
Unknown Caterpillar
Unknown Caterpillar
Unknown Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar
Sappho Underwing Larva (8786)
Sappho Underwing Larva (8786)
Unidentified Caterpillar
Unidentified Caterpillar